The Benefits of Pink Himalayan Salt

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Soo I’ve been asked alot recently why I used Himalayan Pink Rock Salt in my recipes over Sea Salt or Common Table salt so I thought I would write a quick post to explain why I personally use it based on the health benefits associated with it.

So what is it exactly??

Pink Rock Salt  is an unrefined, unprocessed “raw” salt that is hand-mined from salt caves that were formed over 250 million years ago as ocean salt settled in certain geologic pockets around the earth. Is the purest form of salt anyone can find, this is due to the fact that it was created by nature over 250 million years ago during a time of pristine clean environment, no pollutants in the air, earth or se from us humans… Pink Salt contains over 84 essential minerals that exist in a colloidal form (science word), meaning that they are teeny tiny enough for our cells to easily absorb.

What are the benefits to using Himalayan Rock Salt & why do I use it?

These are the reasons why I choose to use it in me food & have my family using too, including my Mum who has high “bad” cholesterol.

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  1. Regulating the water content throughout your body
  2. Promoting healthy pH balance in your cells, particularly your brain cells
  3. Promoting blood sugar health and helping to reduce the signs of aging
  4. Assisting in the generation of hydroelectric energy in cells in your body
  5. Absorption of food particles through your intestinal tract
  6. Supporting respiratory health
  7. Promoting sinus health
  8. Prevention of muscle cramps
  9. Promoting bone strength
  10. Regulating your sleep — it naturally promotes sleep
  11. Supporting your libido
  12. Promoting vascular health
  13. In conjunction with water, it is actually essential for the regulation of your blood pressure

What’s the difference between Pink Salt, Sea Salt & Common table salt?

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Did you know that Salt is ESSENTIAL for life, in fact we cannot live without it?? The problem is that most people don’t know the difference between the different types of salt that they eat, which in turn can severely impact your health. The table and cooking salt found in most homes, restaurants, and highly processed foods has zero nutritional value, lacking these beneficial  minerals. The process for manufacturing table salt involves it being dried at over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, this excessive heat alters the natural chemical structure of the salt and strips it of most of these essential minerals.  This heat process  turns it into sodium chloride, an unnatural salt the human body actually sees as a toxic invader! The body cannot dispose of it in a natural, healthy way which can lead to irritation of the tissues, water retention and high blood pressure. In fact most table salt Most of your common table salts actually contain up to 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals such as moisture absorbents, and iodine. Studies show that for each gram of table salt your system cannot process, your body will use over twenty times the amount of cellular water to neutralise the sodium chloride in chemically treated salt. This can lead to the dreaded cellulite, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, as well as kidney stones..

Often regarded as the healthier option to table salt (which it is ) Sea salt may actually dehydrate your body whereas Himalayan salt actually hydrates our tissue! Sea salt is difficult to digest and assimilate for our bodies because it is not small enough in size at an organic mineral level (electrolytes) for our body to use immediately.. No digestion is needed for Pink Salt and as a result is ready immediately for use throughout the body.

Unfortunately it is now a reality that Sea salt can be taken from oceans whose waters have become progressively more toxic waters over the last few decades. Also just like many other nutritional buzz work, Manufacturers are now playing games with the “sea salt” label. Any salt can be labeled sea salt and still be a refined salt with a weak mineral profile. There are no label police in Ireland so effectively brands can put what the want on or omit what they like want on our food labels.

In order for your body to run properly you need a salt that is complete in ALL 84 essential minerals needed to do so. However Pink salt is known as “white gold” by the locals, mixed with pure spring water,  offers ALL 84 of the exact same minerals elements found in your body without ANY of the chemicals or toxins.


Jenni xx